Estes Davis Law

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(225) 336-3394

Estes Davis Law

Usually, we can figure out from an accident report, the client’s account of the accident, and witness statements who’s at fault in an automobile accident. It happens from time to time that the insurance company refuses to accept that their insured driver is at fault. We investigate these things and if we believe that the damage was indeed caused primarily by the fault of the other driver, we file suit. Then, we have to present that to a court and let the court decide who was at fault and what damages our client suffered.

How Often Do Personal Injury Cases End Up Going To Trial?

The overwhelming majority of accidents are covered by insurance policies, whose limits wouldn’t justify an insurance company spending tens of thousands of dollars in attorney fees, fighting a claim that that is arguable. Most claims are where either the liability is clear, so they pay, or there’s a dispute as to liability, so there’s some negotiation. It certainly may impact the value of the claim. The most common cases to end up in litigation are the ones where damages are high and there’s at least an arguable defense for the defendant.

How Would You Advise Someone Who Wants To Handle Their Personal Injury Case On Their Own Without An Attorney?

Insurance companies hire adjusters who handle each claim. Their entire job is to pay you as little as possible. If the adjuster can pay you less than your claim is worth, they will absolutely do that. The client often doesn’t understand what his claim is worth. Representation by an attorney is very important in order to make sure that your rights are protected and that you get the full value of your claim.

For more information on Denial Of Liability By Insurance In Louisiana, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (225) 308-7004 today.

Estes Davis Law

Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation
(225) 336-3394

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